With increasing overhaul at newly built repair yard, pre-survey is getting to be performed to collect data when establishing proper specifications.
Ship survey is carried out with our engineer(s) being onboard during a voyage for docking from Japan to Singapore, or from Singapore to Dubai.
For the vessel whose age is over 10 years, Close-up survey with using raft(s) is required by Class.
Ballast water is discharged during the voyage, not at anchorage, for preventing from pollution.
The vessels worked over 15 years, which CAP survey shall be applied to, would be expected to increase from 2010.
For most vessels whose age is over 10 years, onboard inspection is applied to them in consideration of shortening the docking works and effective maintenance, on the route from a discharge port in Far East to Australia.
Onboard inspection for Chip Carrier and Vehicle Carrier is increasing with these vessels, whose age are over 25 years, getting older.
CAP authorized vessels are increasing since many ships have been worked too long. We have many experiences to engage in CAP survey.
Onboard inspections for FPSO converted ships, converted Bulk Carrier from Tanker and etc.
In our inspection works mentioned above, the documents we can prepare are as follows
・Thickness gauging report
・Visual inspection report for Internal structures
・Repair plan
・Job record of previous repair works (by request)
For the sake of preventing cargo damages caused by water invasion, tightness testing of
hatches with ultrasonic equipment is effective. We are providing the tightness testing service
as service supplier certified by NK.
For surveys at high-place or danger place, setup of scaffolding or carrying cherry picker in are
usually taken as a means of access. Late years, survey using drone is getting remarked, as an
alternative means.
SANKI MARINE SERVICE INC. is certified as service supplier engaged in survey using remote
inspection techniques (Drone) by NK and ABS. We are providing the services for surveys
according to the Class requirements, and also for checking the condition of hull structures as
per ship’s owner’s requirements.
Following services are available;
・Assistant of superintendent in dock works
・Supervising for steel works
・Preparation of Working Instruction for ship-repair works"
SANKI MARINE SERVICE INC. has 5∼6 experienced engineers in ship-repair works, and have
ever engaged in many steel works (over 1,000 ton) for docking and emergency repair works.